Public Consultation on the Evaluation of Directive 2000/53/EC on the End of Life Vehicles (ELV)
The European Commission has contracted Trinomics, the Oeko-Institut and Ricardo to perform a Study for the evaluation of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV-directive).1
This study seeks to provide evidence to assess whether the objectives of Directive 2000/53/EC on the End of Life Vehicles (ELV) have been met, whether its provisions are sufficiently implemented and whether, as a result of these aspects, the ELV Directive supports the general objectives of the EU’s environmental policy.
About the ELV Directive
The main objectives of the ELV Directive are:
- to make dismantling, recycling and reusing these vehicles more environmentally friendly
- to push manufacturers to make new vehicles without hazardous substances, so their parts can later be reused.
About the Consultation
The process of evaluation follows the EC guidance for evaluations and considers the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the Directive’s provisions and the legislation implementing it. Results of a stakeholder consultation and a review of other information sources are being used in the study to compile, assess and synthesise evidence related to the requirements established by the Directive and what impacts these may have. All relevant aspects – legal, environmental, economic and social – will be considered.
Within the review process, the objective of the public stakeholder consultation has been to collect and to evaluate information and evidence to support the improvement of the Batteries Directive and of its implementation.
The consultation was held between 6 August 2019 - 29 October 2019 and has closed.
The consultation took place in the form of an on-line survey held on the European Commission's Consultation Webpage.
127 contributions were submitted to the stakeholder consultation and are to be analysed as a next stage.
Once the analysis has been performed, a final assessment of the contributions shall be included in the projects' Final Report and published at the end of the study on the Project publications page.
Further Information
Participants and interested parties are encouraged to register on this website to receive updates about the public consultation and the project’s results.