Project Summary
This study seeks to provide evidence to assess whether the objectives of Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles (ELV) have been met, whether its provisions are sufficiently implemented and whether, as a result of both aspects, the ELV-Directive supports the general objectives of the EU’s environmental policy.
The process of evaluation follows the EC guidance for evaluations and considers the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the Directive’s provisions and the legislation implementing it. Through a stakeholder consultation and a review of other information sources, the study will compile, assess and synthesize evidence related to the requirements established by the ELV- Directive and the impacts these may have. All relevant aspects – legal, environmental, economic and social – will be considered.
The results of this evaluation shall be used to identify measures to improve the ELV- Directive and its implementation.
31 August 2020
The consultants final report, supporting the Evaluation of Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles has been published and is available here.
28 February 2020
A Stakeholder workshop was held on 5 February 2020 to gather views and information to support the evaluation of the ELV Directive. The minutes of the meeting have been published and can be accessed here: PDF
15 November 2019
Save the Date!
To gather views and information to support the evaluation of the ELV Directive, an expert workshop shall be held for the various ELV stakeholder groups. The workshop shall take place in Brussels on 5 February 2020 in Brussels. Registered stakeholders shall be notified once the registration for this event begins.
20 September 2019
Launch of the Targeted Consultation. The Targeted Consultation activities consist of a survey and interviews and involve only key stakeholders for the ELV Directive. This consultation activity will last until the beginning of November and stakeholders will be directly approached by the project team.
06 August 2019
Launch of the Open Public Consultation (OPC). The OPC will remain open to the public until 29 October 2019 (midnight Brussels time).
To participate in this public consultation and express your views on aspects of the current ELV Directive, please follow this link:
02 April 2019
Project Kickoff Meeting in Brussels with representatives of the European Commission and project partners.
12 March 2019
Official start date of the study “Service contract supporting the Evaluation of the Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles”, commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environ-ment A.2, under the framework contract ENV.F.1./FRA/2014/0063, and between Trinomics and the contractors Oeko-Institut e.V. and Ricardo.